Spark Event: Virtual kitchen retreat with Sonja Schildt

Our 1st virtual Spark Event was a success. You can enjoy the replay in our Facebook group:

We partnered with Sonja Schildt, a passionate community member on a culinary journey to nourish your soul. Discover the transformative power of Ayurveda cooking and how it brought joy and solace to Sonya during the pandemic. Prepare for a delightful exploration of creativity, self-expression, and the therapeutic nature of everyday cooking.

Unleash your culinary creativity with us. Six women gathered (without leaving their kitchens) in Zoom and via Facebook Live and prepared a soul-warming carrot/sweet potato/apple/whatever else you wanted to add! soup on a cold winter weeknight. This was not your grandma’s cooking show! We learned about the ancient art of Ayurveda, unlocked a world of flavors, and discovered how incorporating cooling, energizing, and high-carbohydrate foods can bring balance and harmony to your mind and body.

Sonja shares how her cooking Kindling Project became a healing experience for her family, as German Expats in Michigan going through the quarantine. Be inspired by her story and find the motivation to create something beautiful in your own life. Gain valuable insights as she shares secrets from her kitchen. Enhance your cooking skills and transform your kitchen into a space of enjoyment. From ingredient experimentation to innovative techniques, embrace the joy of cooking and let your creativity flow.

Sonja reminds us that cooking should be a joyful and fulfilling experience. Whether you're a seasoned chef or just starting, find happiness in time spent in the kitchen. Embrace the freedom of self-expression and turn your culinary endeavors into a masterpiece.

Ignite Your Kindling Project. Sonja's journey is a testament to following your dreams and pursuing the things that bring you joy. Whether creating magic in the kitchen or pursuing another creative or entrepreneurial ambition, you can find inspiration and support here at The Kindling Project. Join us to invest time in what truly matters to you.


Spark Event: Nora Manoukian’s art show


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